Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stoked About Primal Blueprint Fitness and September Primal Blueprint Challenge

Did you hear? Mark Sisson released a free PDF as an intro to an ongoing project with his readership to encourage Primal Blueprint Fitness. While this blog is primarily a blog about my adventures in cooking primally, I'm really stoked to see that PBF has made its debut because I'd been reading a lot on MDA about ways to lift heavy things, run fast, etc., but it hadn't been all in one place until now. And there's a community element to it, so even if I don't know anybody locally who's doing it, with the new Workout of the Week, I can at least give it a go and see how others are faring with it online.

Before I discovered MDA, I'd been slugging it out, doing 60 minute+ sessions on the elliptical at the gym (of course, while also still eating lots of sugar and flour, which of course negated the effort and probably combined with the cardio to inflame my system). Those were 60 minutes I just didn't have, either, frankly! With a nursing baby who was teething, more often than not I was getting called home from the gym early. SO, needless to say, the prospect of Mark and his Apples offering a lot of tips on short, intense workouts seems like it could be a lot more doable. For the last couple of months, I've been doing some light weight work (and of course carrying around a 25 lb. baby also probably constitutes something additional ;-p), but I'm ready to see what PBF has to offer now in terms of some anaerobic activity.

Also, the 2010 Primal Blueprint Challenge is coming...in September!! I am excited and planning on participating.

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